
Monday, 4 May 2020

#52weeknailchallenge: mythical creature

How is everyone doing? Surviving the lock down? The one question I have come to hate during this time is, "how are the wedding plans going?". Like seriously? Did you think that one through? How am I supposed to make any plans when there are no service providers working?? Fortunately, I have all my service providers. Now it's a case of waiting to see what's going to happen with this lock down. And deciding at what point do we start to worry.

Anyway, nails! I decided to do mermaid nails for this one. Besides that I have a mermaid on my nail, my polishes are also mermaid inspired. I started with two coats of Ulta3 black satin on my pinky. On my thumb, index and ring finger I have two coats of Catrice mermayday anyway and on my middle finger I have two coats of Hean 401. I then added a coat of Sinful Colors green ocean to all my nails.
On my pinky I stamped a scale image from Moyou Sailor 4 with Painted Polish stamped in scales. On my middle finger I added a mermaid decal. I think I should have used a slightly pink base for the mermaid, like China Glaze let's chalk about it. It would have made the green jelly less obvious.
What do you think? It wasn't quite what I had in mind, but then again these ones rarely turn out the way I want it to.
Thanks for stopping by!

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