
Monday 28 May 2018

#52weeknailchallenge: favourite hero

This year's challenges has been, in my opinion easier but also more difficult. I mean take this one for example, with all the super heroes and such that are out there, this should be a breeze, right? Wrong, firstly you need to pick one, then somehow translate it to your nails and get it right. BF said to me when he saw my nails I did the wrong hero as we were in the middle of Marvel week. And I was like pffft, who cares? (ducks incoming projectiles)

I decided to do some Batman nails, as I had water decals I got from Michelle ages ago and I thought this is the time to use them. And also I love the line where he gets asked, what is your super power and his response is; "I'm rich".

Anyway, I started with two coats of Hean City Fashion black on my thumb and index, on my middle finger I have two coats of CF white and on my ring and pinky I have three coats of CF 171.
I then added the decal, which is from LuckyStarStyle, on my middle finger. On my ring finger I used star burst vinyls I bought, also ages ago. I painted CF black over it, removing the vinyl immediately.
Once that was dry, I stamped the word "ouch" from BP 76 with nicole diary white. I wanted it to look like a speech bubble, but I wasn't brave enough to make it white and then outline it in black.
What do you think? Does this do Batman any justice? 😜 (see what I did there)

Thanks for reading!!


  1. Hehe, I didn't even have to read your post to guess this was Batman so you definitely did him justice :)
    And... eh... isn't Batman Marvel? ;) *hides under desk to avoid those projectiles*

    1. Eh Marvel DC same thing... (hopes there's enough space for me under Joyce's desk)


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