
Wednesday, 15 July 2015

#OMD3: Cat

Oh man, am I glad this week is half way done... It's going to be a long one as there is a possibility that Eid is Friday and we will only be 5 people managing a 12 doctor practice. Sounds like fun, right? Either that or my sense of what fun is, is completely twisted. Let's just go with twisted... Hehe

Anyway, today is day 15 of the Oh Mon Dieu nail challenge and the prompt is cat. Again, a couple of ideas floated around in my mind, none of which came to fruition. So I opted for something simple.
I started with two coats of Tip Top Broken Soul.
Broken Soul is a beautiful lilac, slightly darker than Tip Top Fairy Dust. Once that was dry I added cat decals I got from BPS.
The star studs I got from Gael. She was kind enough to give it to me the last time I visited her. They were sent to her by BPS, can't exactly remember why, but I'm glad she gave them to me. Thanks Gael!!
This was actually a fun mani, people kept noticing it and saying they liked it. It also came out that a colleague has a mug at work that has a cat like this on it. And we couldn't figure out why the damn cat looked so familiar! Haha


  1. I think this manicure is gorgeous, I love the cat decals and it looks so beautiful with the polish you used - which I have to say even on its own is super pretty! xx


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